Daniel Züsli In Zug geboren, Ausbildung an der Holzbildhauerschule Brienz zum Holzbildhauer, im Anschluss 4 Jahre traditio- nelle Lehr- und Wanderjahre. Seit 2015 freischaffend als Holzbildhauer und Künstler in Cham. Seit 2019 Studium Bachelor Kunst und Vermittlung an der HSLU Design & Kunst Luzern. Denkraumgreifende Skulpturen – das erleb- bar machen eines Gedankens. Ob performativ, integra- tiv, interaktiv, prozesshaft oder interdisziplinär – wichtig ist ihm die haptische, unmittelbare Sinneserfahrung. Born in Zug, Daniel Züsli attended the wood sculpture school in Brienz. After completing his training as a wood sculptor, he spent four years as an apprentice and jour- neyman. He has been a freelance wood sculptor and artist in Cham, Canton of Zug since 2015, and began studying for a Bachelor's degree in Art and Education at the Lucerne School of Art and Design in 2019. He pro- duces sculptures that go beyond the realm of thought to make thinking a tangible object. In his performative, integrative, interactive, processual and interdisciplinary art what matters most to him is the haptic, immediate sensory experience.
Fungi Ventilatio|2020
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