
Beim Stammgäste Event im Berg- hotel Trübsee wird den Abobe- sitzern für ihre Treue gedankt. Pass holders will be thanked for their loyalty with the regulars’ party at Berghotel Trübsee.

Einige Abobesitzer nutz- ten ihr Ticket vergangene Saison über 100 Mal. Some pass holders used their ticket more than 100 times last season.

All season pass holders are invited to attend the special event for regulars on 24 April 2016 at Berghotel Trübsee as a thank you for their loyalty to Engelberg. By then, some of the guests will have hit the Engelberg slopes more than 100 times. We spoke to four of those keen skiers about their passion. Between Oc tober 2014 and May 2015, Daniel Kuster went through the turnstiles at the Titlis and Brunni va lley stations a tota l of 123 times, making him the most prolif ic pass user of the season, not counting the ski

a lot but I tried to go skiing in Engelberg as of ten as possible.” Above a ll else, he loves the masses of powder snow Engelberg has to of fer. Not ever yone has the priv ilege of liv ing so close to a ski resor t; René Lüthi, for exam- ple, lives in Zurich. But that didn’ t stop him spending 90 days on the slopes last season. To avoid hav ing to travel back and for th f rom Zurich, René bought a studio apar tment in Engelberg. He has been buy ing annua l passes for a ver y long time. “Engelberg was a lways the best, most beautif u l area for f reeriding,” says René, who has remained loya l to Engelberg. “I still does he prefer to go skiing when the weather’s good? “No, quite the opposite. It ’s a lmost bet- ter when the weather isn’ t so great,” he says. “That way there are fewer people about.” Edi Achermann, a sanitar y engineer f rom Steinen, is another prolif ic ski pass user f rom out of town. He thinks Engelberg is a great destination with plenty to of- fer and cha llenging slopes. Plus, he has a family connec tion to Engelberg; his grand- parents used to live here and his aunt still does. He sometimes stays with her to keep journey time down. Edi of ten v isits the area on his own but never spends an entire day without company. “You get to know the other regu lars on the slopes,” says Edi. L ike a ll annua l and season pass hold- ers, Daniel, L inus, René and Edi are inv ited to the regu lars’ par ty on 24 April 2016. Daniel is familiar with the event f rom prev ious years and has on ly good things to say about it: “I love this event – it ’s a cool, sensationa l par ty.” hit the slopes ever y now and then,” explains the sprightly pensioner, who a lso uses his annua l pass to go hiking and cycling in summer. And

instruc tors. “I was able to f it skiing around my job as a sa les representative,” Daniel explains. He made the most of the good skiing conditions even for just a couple of hours in the morn-

Ski pass holders can af- ford to hit the slopes even for just a couple of hours.

ing or at lunchtime. He can af ford this kind of f lex ibility because he of ten works in the evenings. The Engelberg native likes to ski with colleagues and f riends, and his children of ten join him on the slopes at the weekend. He a lso likes to spend the summers hiking or cycling in the mountains, so he got himself an annua l pass. “I rea lly va lue this dea l,” he says. That ’s not surprising, given that the price of the annua l pass div ided by the 123 days Dan- iel v isited the slopes equa ls just CHF 6.50 per day for the 2014/15 season. And that f igure is even lower when his summer outings into the mountains are added to the equation. L inus Archiba ld is a winter spor ts enthu- siast whose hobby is a lso his career: the Swed- ish nationa l is a professiona l skier. He is spon- sored by Helly Hansen and regu larly appears in ski magazines. Despite his profession, however, he was still surprised to hear that he hit the Engelberg slopes as many as 117 times last season. “That ’s so cool,” he laughs. “I was away





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