

Gymnasium | Sekundarschule (IOS) | Internat

Zweisprachige Maturität

His sense of achievement is even greater when he is able to share it with v isitors – he gets more enjoyment f rom that than a fabu- lous day spent exploring a ll by himself. And yet, ever y now and again, Dani feels the need to set out a lone. “In the winter I occasiona lly head out for a long descent on powder snow. That resets my mind and gives me the patience to dea l with v isitors again.” In summer, he likes to f u lf il persona l climb- ing goa ls. “When you f ina lly sca le a peak that has taken hard work and training and then you look back on it at home, that ’s the best feeling!” Whether a lone or with v isit any f ur ther-f lung locations. “There are so many things to do right here on my doorstep,” he says. What ’s more, he has a girlf riend and young child, so doesn’ t like to be away f rom home for too long. Dani has a lready climbed such Swiss classics as the Eiger and the Mat- terhorn – primarily for the sake of his training. But those peaks are not the pinnacle as far as he is concerned; he prefers the summits and ski tour routes closer to home. “Loca ls know how it is when they climb the Hahnen,” he says. “Get ting to the top gives them an entirely new perspec tive on the mountain. You get a new feel for your own loca l area.” In summer, he loves to climb the Titlis or hike around the Spannor t/Sch lossberg region. His favourite place to be in winter is on and around the Brisen. “There’s of ten good snow and hard ly any people. It ’s a place where you can experi- ence the natura l tranquillity of the A lps.” Dani wants Engelberg’s v isitors to look beyond the v illage itself to the entire Engelberg va lley and others, Dani, who speaks f lu- ent Swedish, is happiest out and about in the Engelberg va lley and feels lit tle pu ll to

the region as a whole. The area of fers a vast range of ac tiv ities year round. Dani doesn’ t see it as competition for Engelberg when v isi- tors spend a day on the Buochserhorn: “If they go back home and ta lk about their wonder f u l holiday, they’ ll be ta lking about Engelberg too.” During his of f ice hours at Engelberg Mountain Guide and the Prime Ski School, Dani of ten turns his mind to the issue of how to encourage winter v isitors to return in the summer, and how to get people to tru ly ap- preciate the size of the Engelberg va lley and ever y thing there is to do here. that went into the Outdoor Guide, which is intended both to inform and inspire its readers. The Outdoor Guide presents ideas for outdoor ac tiv ities such as climbing, skiing and biking tours, accompanied by impressive and appea l- ing images and other graphics. “I want to show a ll the things Engelberg has to of fer. For exam- ple, I want f reeriders to see the great climb- ing tours they can join in the summer.” Dani has high hopes for his Outdoor Guide: “This f irst issue isn’ t per fec t as yet, but I hope the Guide is well received enough that I can bring out a second edition f u ll of even more ideas.” He ended up combining his many indiv idua l ideas in one big projec t: the f irst Engel- berg Outdoor Guide, which came out in the autumn. Dani took care of most of the work


International Baccalaureate (IB World School)

and fun.

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In the winter, Dani Perret loves to spend time on and around the Brisen.

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