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Dieses Messgewand hat Bruder Klaus angeblich der Kapel- le Altzellen geschenkt. Das Rückenkreuz stammt noch aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. Brother Klaus is said to have presented this chasuble to the chapel in Altzellen. The cross on the back is, in any case, a 15th-century original.
(Photo: Mike Bacher)
This year marks 600 years since the birth of Nicholas of Flüe, the patron saint of Switzerland. “Brother Klaus”, as we call him, lived in the parish of Flüeli, which lies above Sachseln in the canton of Obwalden. He was a prosperous farmer and respected politician. In 1467, however, he abandoned that life and set up as a hermit in Ranft, not far from his wife and large family. Over time, Nicholas gained a reputation as a respec ted mystic and spiritua l guide, and his adv ice was sought by f igures throughout Europe. In 1481 his counsel even managed to soothe antagonisms be- were repor ts that he had been responsible for severa l miracles. He was beatif ied in 1649, and f ina lly canonised in 1947. To this day he is regarded as a major saint throughout the world, and especia lly in Switzerland. Brother K laus has a close relationship with Engelberg. Legend tells how he used to trek to Engelberg on foot f rom his hermit ’s cell in Ranf t ever y St. Benedic t ’s Day (21 March) to v isit the monks here in Engelberg as well as a married daughter. A lthough the legend is un likely to be historica lly accurate, he did have close family ties to the region. His mother Hemma Ruber t came f rom Wolfen- schiessen, and af ter their weddings two of his daughters set tled in A ltzellen, a hamlet that lies above the road to Engelberg. Nicholas’ daughter Verena von Flüe ac tua lly married a native of Engelberg. Thanks to this “Engelberg descent ”, three of Nicholas’ most impor tant v isions have been passed down to posterity, giv ing us profound insight into the respec ted tween the cantons and thus prevent the outbreak of civ il war. From that moment, he was regarded as a skilled peacemaker. Even ver y soon af ter his death in 1487, there
thinker’s understanding of mysticism.
Brother K laus had a distanced, somewhat sceptica l relationship with Engelberg Abbey. Af ter his death, however, the Abbey became a major site honouring his life and work. Venera- tion of Nicholas was promoted in par ticu lar by Obwa lden native Jakob Benedik t Sigrist, Abbot in Engelberg f rom 1603 to 1619. He a lso promoted Sachseln as a place of pilgrimage. Over 100 projec ts have been launched as par t of the 2017 celebrations of the 600th anniversar y of the famous hermit ’s bir th. The
Am 1. August 1941 wurde rechts vom Aufgang zur Kirche eine Statue von Bruder Klaus ein- geweiht. Diese wird aktuell restauriert und am 1. August 2017 wieder eingesegnet. On Swiss National Day (1 August) in 1941, a statue of Brother Klaus was dedicated at a spot to the right of the entrance to the church. The statue is currently being restored and will be bless- ed once again on 1 August 2017.
Am 26. Mai 1935 führte die Pfarrei Engelberg eine aufwän- dige «Bruderklausen-Feier» in unserem Hochtal durch. On 26 May 1935 the parish of Engelberg held opulent celebra- tions in honour of Brother Klaus.
projec ts are coordinated by suppor t association Mehr Ranf t – 600 Jahre Nik laus von Flüe, which is a lso organis- ing many of the events. From 19 August to 30 September, Theater Sachseln will per-
Brother Klaus is regarded as a major saint in Switzerland.
(Photo: Karl Meuser, Engel- berg Abbey archives)
form a “v ision commemoration play” ca lled vo innä uisä (“Radiating f rom the centre”). In Engelberg, the newly restored statue of Brother K laus, origina lly erec ted in 1941, will be bless- ed during an ecumenica l church ser v ice mark- ing Swiss Nationa l Day on 1 August. Then, on 24 September 2017, Cardina l Kur t Koch will hold a commemorative church ser v ice in Sachseln. Other events on the programme include nu- merous lec tures, exhibitions, and publications about Brother K laus. You can v iew a complete list of what ’s going on at www.mehr-ranf In time for Brother K laus’ jubilee, volume 34 of the series Engelberger Doku- mente has been published as a book let about Brother K laus and Engelberg, looking at the relationship between our va lley and the famous saint. The book let is available for purchase at the Höch li bookstore, the Ta l- museum, and the loca l council chambers.
(Photo: Karl Meuser, Stifts archiv Engelberg)
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