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Die Aufnahme von Karl Meu- ser zeigt das erste heizbare Freiluftbad der Schweiz, das alpine Schwimm- und Son- nenbad (heutiges Schwimm- bad Sonnenberg), welches im Juli 1929 eröffnet wurde. This photograph by Karl Meuser shows the first heated outdoor swimming pool in Switzer- land, the Alpine Schwimm- und Sonnenbad, which opened in July 1929. Today it is called Schwimmbad Sonnenberg.
Werbeplakat von 1928, ge- staltet vom bekannten Gra- fiker Herbert Matter. An advertising poster from 1928, designed by famous graphic artist Herbert Matter
Das erste Plakat der 1967 eröffneten Titlisbahn.
The first poster for the Titlis- bahn cableway, opened in 1967.
(Design: Casimir Marcet; Photo: Charles Christen)
This autumn sees the release of issue 34 of the Engelberger Dokumente series published by the Engelberg Cultural Commission. The publica- tion traces the history of the Kur- und Verkehrs- vereins Engelberg, the forerunner to today’s tourism organisation, from 1883 to 1993, and of its successor the Tourismusverein from 1993 to 1999. The histor y of the predecessor organisa- tions to today’s Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus AG is excellently documented thanks to well preser ved archives. The new publication
pioneer in the supply of water and elec tric- ity. This issue of Engelberger Dokumente therefore a lso looks at the remarkable lead- ing role played by Engelberg in this regard. In winter and summer a like, spor t was a lways a crucia l par t of tourism in Engelberg. The v illage was among the earliest winter spor ts resor ts in Switzerland. One of its winter spor ts facilities was the famous bob sleigh run built f rom Gerschnia lp to Engelberg in 1913. A few years later that run launched an incredible career – that of exceptiona l bob sleigh champi-
in the Engelberger Doku- mente series gives infor- mation about the Kur- und Verkehrsverein’s foundation in 1883, and the role that the association played in Engelberg’s development
on Fritz Feierabend, who com- peted a longside other great ath letes f rom Engelberg. Win- ter spor ts in Engelberg went f rom streng th to streng th, es- tablishing a proud tradition that led to Engelberg hav ing
Issue 34 outlines the history of tourism in Engelberg.
Der Kur- und Verkehrsverein setzte alles daran, Engelberg von seiner besten Seite präsentie- ren zu können. Hier eine Grafik von Casimir Marcet, 1977. The Kur- und Verkehrsverein was keen to show Engelberg from its best side. For exam- ple, in this graphic artwork by Casimir Marcet from 1977.
as a tourist destination. It prov ides details about the association’s collaboration with the municipa l government, the hoteliers’ or- ganisation, and the cableways. From the ver y beginning, the Kur- und Verkehrsverein took on many loca l government responsibilities such as building roads and organising waste disposa l. It a lso demonstrated great commit- ment to the wellbeing of the public, ac ting as a care organisation and socia l institution. The association conferred those tasks that were specif ica lly related to tourism to various commissions and to the Winter-Kur- verein. But things were not a lways easy for those entrusted with managing tourism in Engelberg. The two World Wars, for instance, represented many and various cha llenges for the Kur- und Verkehrsverein. But it a lso has many achievements to its name. In par- ticu lar, it was responsible for advancements in the prov ision of utilities to the v illage. Thanks to its ef for ts, Engelberg became a Swiss
Switzerland ’s largest ski jump and the coun- tr y’s most successf u l spor ts secondar y school. Issue 34 of the Engelberger Dokumente is not intended to be a histor y book about Engel- berg and makes no at tempt to give details on when and how each hotel or cableway was built; neither does it consider the indiv idua l f igures and families who had such a deci- sive impac t on the development of tourism in Engelberg. Instead, it outlines the histor y of tourism in Engelberg and draws at tention to some of its most impor tant aspec ts. Many of these aspec ts have a lready been caref u lly researched and documented – in various publications that make historica l knowledge about Engelberg accessible to a broad audience, and in the works of numerous historians who have taken an interest in our loca l histor y.
Im Fremdenblatt wurden unter anderem die Namen und Herkunfts- orte der Hotelgäste veröffentlicht. The “Fremdenblatt” published the names and places of origin of hotel guests, among other information.
Engelberger Dokumente No. 34 is available in book shops f rom Oc tober 2017.
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