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Marie-Theres Arnold nach erfolgreicher Wildschwei- nejagd in Deutschland. Marie-Theres after suc- cessfully hunting down a wild boar in Germany
Gymnasium | Sekundarschule (IOS) | Internat
schiessen and her father was also a hunter. She claims that none of the hunters in Engelberg has a problem with her joining their ranks – “and if they did, I wouldn’ t care anyway.” For her, it’s a hobby like any other. But does she really not have any problem at all gunning down an adorable little deer? “Of course, you have to be a bit ruthless,” she admits. But that’s just par t of the spor t – as is disembowelling the animals once they’ve been shot (“ field dress- ing”). Since her daughter Dana was born almost three years ago, Marie-Theres has had less time
In any case, daughter Dana is a lready ver y aware of her parents’ hobby – not least due to the many trophies that decorate the family’s liv ing room. But which is their fa- vourite of them a ll? Patrik and Marie-Theres think long and hard about this question. Just one year af ter passing her examination, Marie-Theres shot a stag – with her hear t in her mouth, as it turns out: “Sudden ly I felt rea lly uncer tain about whether I was even a l- lowed to shoot a stag.” Patrik has never shot a stag; he prefers to target fema les. “L ike many
Zweisprachige Maturität
International Baccalaureate Spor ting Park Engelberg Engelbergerstra sse 11 CH-6390 Engelberg Phone +41 41 639 60 00 info@spor
(IB World School)
for her hobby. “That means I’m even more thrilled every time I do go outside and spot an animal.” Patrik says there is only one major dif ference between his wife and his male colleagues: “Women
hunters, my favourite trophy is the f irst anima l I shot a ll by myself,” says Patrik. His f irst independent kill was an 18-month-old hind. Marie- Theres a lso easily reca lls her f irst kill, a chamois. As a
In Obwalden, the rigorous and manifold training of hunters takes 15 months.
hunt dif ferently to men. They’re not as fiercely competitive about it.” When the hunt star ts, the men are of ten grimly determined to be the one to bag a kill. That’s why hunters tend to be cagey about where they have spotted an animal. “But that sense of rivalry is a natural human trait,” says Patrik. “We just have to accept it.” Marie-Theres and Patrik are keen to pass their appreciation for animals and nature on to their small daughter. They cannot under- stand the recent controversy in the canton of Grisons about whether or not children under twelve should be permitted to join the hunt. “Children can be introduced to hunting in an age-appropriate way. It’s a tradition that families should be able to enjoy together,” says Patrik, who is also a volunteer game warden for the canton of Obwalden and a member of the hunting licence examination committee. He also sees hunting as an excellent school of life. “You are never in the same situation twice, and you have to stay on your toes.”
beginner, she was glad to have her husband ’s suppor t. “There’s so much to think about in the f ield,” she says. The couple a lways keep some of the meat for their own family, but because they both hunt – as does Patrik ’s dad – there is usu- a lly a large pile of meat lef t over. They sell their surplus to the Ende der Welt restaurant, which at trac ts guests f rom near and far with its lo- ca lly shot, exquisitely prepared game dishes. Both Patrik and Marie-Theres think that Engelberg of fers the best hunting grounds in the countr y. A lthough their licences permit them to hunt in other parishes in Obwa lden, they both prefer to stay here. That ’s par tly be- cause they know a lmost ever y inch of their ter- ritor y here, but it ’s a lso because they love their home. “The place where you have your roots is a lways going to be the best,” says Patrik.
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