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Mit den Produkten des Hof Neufal- lenbachs können schöne Geschen- ke zusammengestellt werden. The products from Hof Neufall- enbach make beautiful gifts.
6370 Stans
Winkelriedhaus Engelbergerstr. 54A
Should you happen across Hof Neufallenbach farmwhile walking between Grafenort and Wolfenschiessen, you are likely to feel tempted to make a stop at the farm’s kiosk next to the popular paragliding landing site. If so, you will notice the luxuriant herb garden. The herbs grown here are lovingly tended and gathered before being used to make exquisite herbal teas, soothing balms, and refreshing cordials. When you v isit Hof Neufa llenbach, summer never seems far away. Countless herbs, giv ing of f an enticing aroma of v ita l-
the customers buy ing them increased, and it was a ll get ting a bit much for Tri x, a mother of four: “The whole family had to sleep in one room so that I cou ld use the other rooms to dr y a ll those herbs,” she reca lls. “And of course the food inspec tor wasn’ t that impressed with the situation either,” adds Wä li. It was clearly time to expand. The Bissigs therefore built their “Herb House”, where today over 100 dif ferent types of plant are dried and used in herba l teas, cordia ls, herb sausages and ba lms. This may sound like a delightf u l way to earn a liv ing, but it is a lso example, I might have to plant a cer tain herb today so that I can har vest it in the autumn, while I have to go out and pick another kind in the wild.” Thank f u lly, she can a lways rely on Wä li ’s suppor t. He is par ticu larly fond of picking wild herbs. The couple’s four children a lso help them out on the farm, and the Bissigs get additiona l assistance f rom young people doing community ser v ice, student interns, f riends and family. Tri x has never taken a course in herba lism – she seems to have the knowledge in her blood. She a lso has new ideas a ll the time, which can be a bit f rustrating for husband Wä li, as that sometimes means there is lit tle room lef t for f un and relaxa- tion. And yet, “ life on the farm gives us eve- r y thing we need,” says Wä li. Beyond that, a ll the family asks for are a few oppor tunities to ski each year and one week away in the sum- mer. “Af ter our week of f we are a lways glad to get back. Af ter a ll, we live in a place so beauti- f u l it ’s where other people come on holiday.” hard work. Picking herbs f rom a garden or collec ting them in the wild is tough physi- ca l labour, and Tri x a lways has to keep in mind what she wants to make when. “For
6370 Stans
Salzmagazin Stansstaderstr. 23
ity and sunshine, grow in the garden of Tri x and Wä li Bissig, the af fable owner- operators of this family- run farm. The native Nid- wa lden couple, who took over the farm f rom Wä li ’s
Their herbal tea business is an important source of in- come for the Bissig family.
parents, are passionate about their work. “We want to do the best we can with the things right outside our door,” they say. Both Tri x and Wä li grew up on farms and trained as agricu ltura lists. Since they hoped to be able to earn a liv ing f rom their farm in Neufa llenbach, they quick ly rea lised that they wou ld need to focus on something else a longside classic dair y and beef farm- ing. Ever since she was a child, Tri x has loved creating tea blends f rom herbs, but she never dreamed that one day she wou ld turn that hobby into a business. At f irst, she just used to make presents of her tea to f riends and family, and never gave a thought to ac tua lly selling it. But her herb cupboard was soon bursting at the seams – she was growing and collec ting so many herbs she didn’ t know where to put them a ll. She approached the organic food store in Stans, which agreed to sell her herbs – and they quick ly at trac ted a big following. Ever y year, the number of shops selling her herbs and
Nidwalden erleben und verstehen: 3 dauerausstellungen & 2 Sonderausstellungen in den lokalitäten des Nidwaldner Museums
6362 Stansstad
Festung Fürigen Kehrsitenstrasse
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