normal magazin nummer20 sommer
A summer of music
A fairy-tale fall
Honouring our regulars
Questions, answers and a few surpris- es in the Alpenclub Event venues Ober and Under in the A lpenclub restaurant regu lar- ly host per formances by well-known Swiss comedians and ar tistes. The season star ts on 26 May when stand- up comedian Claudio Zuccolini (known as Zucco) asks “Why?” in his new show Warum? Zucco seeks – and sometimes f inds – answers to ques- tions lots of us have wondered about but never ar ticu lated. The per for- mance is accompanied by delicious food f rom the A lpenclub kitchen. On 30 September, Ok tober fest kicks of f with the appropriate music by DJ Raphi and typica l Ok tober fest food like vea l sausages and pretzels. On 28 Oc tober, cabaret team schön&gut presents its poetic and politica l show MARY, f u ll of wordplay, songs, satire and fantasy. Audiences can a lso enjoy reception drinks and nibbles and a three-course dinner. Fans of radio play private detec tive Philip Ma loney can look forward to 24 November, when Michael Schacht and Heinz Margot come to Engelberg on a reading tour of new play “Der geheimnisvolle Wa ld ”, which will surprise even those who think they know ever y thing there is to know about Philip Ma loney. L isteners can revel in the astonishing ta le while enjoy ing drinks and nibbles fol- lowed by a three-course dinner.
Out and about in Central Switzerland The Engelberg region has many interesting day trip destina- tions. While the Titlis boasts the world ’s f irst rotating cable car, the Lake Lucerne region has many more superlatives in store. The world ’s steepest cogwheel railway travels up the Pilatus, and the Stanserhorn has the world ’s f irst open-topped cable cars. You can a lso explore Lake Lucerne on a ship that is par t of Eu- rope’s largest in land steamship f leet. Holders of the Tell Pass can experi- ence a ll these high lights and more. The pass is available for a period of two, three, four, f ive or ten days and a llows holders to travel f ree of charge by train, bus, ship and on nu- merous cableways (e.g. Titlis, Brunni, Äbnet) throughout the Lucerne area. Children accompanied by a pay ing adu lt receive a ticket for a f lat rate of CHF 30. The Tell Pass is available year round at various sa les points. In Engelberg you can purchase one f rom the Tourist Center or the railway sta- tion. And the rain needn’ t stop the f un: Tell Pass par tners such as the Lucerne Museum of Transpor t and the Swiss Holiday Park in Morschach of fer at trac tive discounts.
International tug of war tournament This year is a specia l one for Engelberg’s tug-of-war club. For the f irst time since the European championships in 1974 , Engelberg is hosting a major internationa l tour- nament. On the weekend of 24 and 25 June, teams f rom Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Ita ly and Switzerland will be bat tling it out in si x dif ferent weight classes. Among those teams are some of the ver y best in the world, such as the Neth- erlands’ Eibergen team. The Engel- bergers know the Dutch team well, as they have regu larly competed against them in the f ina ls of Euro- pean and world championships. Tug- of-war is an exciting spec tator spor t, too, and the public can look forward to some thrilling duels in the Spor t- ing Park, which will be hosting for- eign teams for the f irst time in years. Af ter this thrilling home tournament, the Engelberg tug- gers have their spor t ’s annua l high lights to look forward to. In Ju ly the World Games take place in Poland, and in September Eng- land hosts the European Outdoor Tug of War Championships.
This summer will be accom- panied by the delicious strains of di- verse music styles. Jazz af icionados will love our Jazz in der Dor fstrasse event f rom 7 Ju ly to 11 August. Each Friday, various bands give open-air per formances outside dif ferent bars and cafés. We a lso have some treats in store for folk music fans. At 8 p.m. on 13, 20 and 27 Ju ly the Kurpark will host folk music concer ts involv ing our loca l music society and yodelling club. On 3 and 10 August, they will play in the Eienwä ld li. Lovers of clas- sica l music a lso have plenty to enjoy. The second Meisterkurs f ür Gesang und K lav ier (voca ls and piano mas- terclass) runs f rom 17 to 22 Ju ly. Then, on 26 August, Engelberg Abbey’s Baroque Ha ll will host the opening concer t of chamber music festiva l 10 Jahre erstK lassik am Sarnersee. Later in the year, f rom 27 to 29 Oc tober, the Zwischentöne chamber music festiva l comes to Engelberg for the third time. The popu lar summer organ recita ls in the Abbey church take place this year at 8 p.m. on 12, 19 and 26 Ju ly and on 2 and 9 August.
This autumn, the “Ängelmär- libärg” fair y ta le festiva l returns to Engelberg for the f if th time. From 29 September to 8 Oc tober, dwar ves, witches, fairies and other my thica l beings fair and fou l will be waiting to tell stories old and new to fair y ta le fans big and sma ll. The fair y ta le festiva l takes place throughout the v illage and is f u ll of exciting events. The Ängelbärger Gschichte event relates stories and my ths in our love- able Engelberg dia lec t. On one af- ternoon, famous stor y teller Jolanda Steiner will come to Engelberg and whisk listeners aged four and over to worlds of myster y and enchantment. There are a lso oppor tunities for children to play an ac tive role. The Stöck li baker y is hosting an Ängeli- zwärgli backen event, where bak- ers help children knead and shape the festiva l ’s dwar f mascot out of dough before going on to decorate and sample their work. The Märch- enhaf te Kindermorgen play f u lly introduces children to Engelberg’s rich histor y, with craf ts, painting and an outdoor treasure hunt. For information about these events and many more, v isit the website:
Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus is keen to give thanks to guests who have been holiday ing in Engelberg for 10, 15, 20 or even 25 plus years. The Ta l Museum prov ides the ap- propriate set ting for this specia l tribute event, held on Wednesdays. Registration must be made through the manager of your holiday ac- commodation and submit ted to the Tourist Center, which prov ides But why does Engelberg have so many regu lar guests, when they cou ld go anywhere in the world? For some, it ’s because holidays in Engel- berg were such a memorable par t of their childhood; for others the v il- lage has become a home away f rom home. Other holidaymakers love Engelberg because it of fers per fec t conditions for hiking and skiing. But for many people it ’s because they’ve found good f riends here. Why do you keep coming back to Engelberg? Let us know by sending an e-mail to: the registration forms, by the Friday of the preceding week.
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