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Eine grosse Leidenschaft gilt dem Lesen: Alex Höchli in seiner Buchhandlung an der Dorfstrasse. One of Alex’s greatest passions is reading. Here he is in his book- shop on Engelberg’s Dorfstrasse.
Er ist zwar kein Mann der lauten, dafür der weisen Wor- te. Alex Höchli weiss bei sei- nen Reden zu überzeugen . Alex Höchli speaks quietly, but firmly. His speeches are eloquent and persuasive.
(Photo: Charles Christen).
(Photo: Thomas Studhalter)
Engelberg’s mayor Alex Höchli has been in office since July 2016. He is an unruffled kind of man who prefers to avoid the limelight. But despite his calm, sober manner – or perhaps because of it – Alex is highly esteemed in the village, both as a politician and as a person. “My approach to politics is not loud or brash, as I don’ t think that achieves any- thing,” says A lex Höch li (59) in his quiet, deep voice. “But that doesn’ t mean I’m not passion- ate about the things I believe in.” That is quite ev ident whenever A lex at tends a loca l council meeting, chats to a constitu- prominent f igure in Obwa lden politics. He sat on Engelberg’s loca l council, and later in the cantona l parliament and the Council of States. But that didn’ t mean his son was predestined to follow in his footsteps and become a poli- tician. Instead, A lex chose a dif ferent path, study ing journa lism a longside politics and ini- tia lly taking up a career in journa lism – a f ield in which politica l neutra lity is crucia l. Af ter many exciting years as a journa list, with nu- merous fascinating business trips, A lex took a weekend to decide where he wanted to go f rom there. He opted to take over his parents’ book and stationer y store in Dor fstrasse – Buchhan- d lung und Papeterie Höch li. “I enjoy running the business, and have never regret ted leav ing journa lism behind,” A lex explains. But he was a lways on the lookout for a cha llenging hobby to pursue in his f ree time. “I cou ldn’ t f ind any- thing that rea lly suited me, until the Christian Democratic People’s Par ty asked me to run for the loca l council,” says A lex. So a longside his ent, or makes a public ap- pearance. He chooses his words caref u lly, and has a dr y, wit ty sense of humour. A lex’s father, A lexan- der Höch li (1927 – 2013), was a
other favourite pastimes of reading, f ishing and spending time in the great outdoors, A lex had f ina lly found his hobby. He had a lways closely followed politica l developments and was keen to do his bit: “Sit ting on the loca l council enables me to give something back to the community and help shape the f uture of the va lley,” he says. A lex was on the loca l coun- cil for f ive years before being elec ted mayor in 2016. “At f irst I wasn’ t at a ll cer tain that I wanted to be mayor,” A lex says, “ but others motivated me to give it a shot.” However, A lex is not interested in progress- ing on to higher politica l leagues plan to secure Engelberg’s f uture for the nex t generation, with bright prospec ts for tourism, commerce and agricu lture. The coun- cil members convene ever y two weeks, and the mayor a lso has to at tend additiona l meetings and make many public appearances. “Cer tain times are busier than others, but I am a lways happy to make those appearances as they give me the oppor tunity to share ideas with the community.” In genera l, A lex is a hands-on type of mayor – he has an open ear for his con- stituents’ concerns and likes meeting people persona lly. Af ter a ll, he and the v illagers want the same thing – what is best for their beloved Engelberg. A lex says his love for Engelberg probably comes f rom the fac t that he has spent most of his life here. But then he thinks for a moment and adds, “I like to v isit other holiday destinations, but I never see moun- tains as beautif u l as the ones here at home.” of f ice like his father. “Becom- ing mayor is the greatest goa l I cou ld have. It is an honour, but it is a lso a cha llenge.” A lex and his four council col-
“Being mayor is an hon- our, but also a challenge.”
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