animiert magazin nummer21 winter
Das Bad in einem Superior Zim- mer im Südflügel – hier muss man sich einfach wohl fühlen. The bathroom in one of the south wing’s superior-class rooms – a place to unwind and pamper yourself
Die Partys im Yucatan sind legen- där und weitherum bekannt.
The Yucatan’s legend- ary parties are famed throughout Switzerland.
Ob für Bankette, Geburts- tagsfeste oder Hochzeiten: das Hotel Bellevue-Terminus ist der perfekte Ort dafür. The Bellevue Terminus is the perfect place to hold a birthday party, banquet, or wedding celebration.
Following the renovation of the south wing of the Bellevue Terminus hotel in 2011, now the north wing, with 31 rooms, is getting a complete makeover. And what’s more, thanks to the renovations the hotel is earthquake-proof, too! “A lthough a major ear thquake on ly hap- pens here ever y 500 years, it ’s bet ter to be safe than sorr y,” grins hotel manager Roger Filliger. “Besides, the law is the law.” Renovations in the nor th wing of the Bellevue Terminus are enter- ing their f ina l phase. The rooms have been re- designed and the stairwells f ireproofed. This is came f rom the old newspa- pers found in the wa lls when the wing was gut ted. At the turn of the centur y, news- papers were used as insu lation materia l. Roger’s wife and fellow host Sina Fil- liger proud ly shows us around her rea lm. The def ining elements in the rooms are the use of colour, which pays homage to the Belle Époque, and the new beds, which were spe- cia lly designed in collaboration with Ger- man f irm Bu llf rog, which brought a f resh and play f u l interpretation to the ar t nouveau elements. This play with colours and lov ing at tention to detail are ev ident throughout the hotel. To see for yourself, it ’s wor th pay- ing a v isit to the ground-f loor toilets. A sign on the wa ll stating “Men to the lef t, because women are a lways right ” will lead you in the right direc tion. The men’s toilets feature a dark-blue ar t nouveau design with washba- sins f rom the old guestrooms in the nor th wing. The women’s toilets have a pink, mod- ern look with gold and copper ceiling lights. This persona l note can be seen ever y- where. The jams in the break fast buf fet are the f irst thorough renovation of the hotel since it opened back in 1898. Ev idence of that
made by Sina’s mother in Germany – where possible with f ruits f rom her own garden. The cheese is made in Engelberg dairies, and the honey comes f rom bees kept by Hampi Krähen- büh l, a graphic designer f rom Nidwa lden. The large windows of the stylish semi- nar rooms look out onto beautif u l and inspir- ing mountain scener y. The v iew is per fec t for stimu lating the minds of seminar par ticipants, as is the “ brainfood ” ser ved up at break fast and lunch: smoothies, home-made muesli bars, and a lunch buf fet with a wide choice seminars as it is opposite the railway station. And that ’s no coincidence: the hotel ac tua lly opened on 1 May 1898 as a railway restaurant. Of course, the hotel still has a restau- rant – the famous Yucatan, known throughout Switzerland. The kitchen team constantly conjure up new variations on world food, and on Fridays to Sundays during the winter sea- son the restaurant hosts open-ended par ties with live music. Organizing festiv ities and ensuring guests enjoy themselves is Roger’s passion. Anyone who has been to a bir thday or wedding at the Bellevue Terminus knows that its par ties are legendar y. Roger and Sina are skilled planners of weddings and other events, and they have plenty of creative ideas. The hotel ’s various large rooms of fer the right venue whatever the occasion – f rom a sophisticated banquet with elaborate f lower decorations to the wildest of par ties. And at Christmas, the generous hosts quick ly whip up a treat for their guests and neighbours: Guetzli (Christmas cookies) in the thousands! of sma ll dishes. “We treat our seminar guests. No one is ser ved mediocre cof fee here,” says Sina. The hotel is idea lly situated for holding
The north wing was completely gutted for renovation work. Now it is earthquake-proof.
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