animiert magazin nummer21 winter
Führungen durch die Sonderausstellung «Anton Reckziegel. Reklamekunst und Reise- träume» gibt es am Samstag, 30. Dezember 2017 um 17 Uhr und am Samstag, 3. Februar 2018 um 17 Uhr. Kindernachmittag im Museum: Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2018: 14-16.30 Uhr. Vernissage: Samstag, 9. Dezember 2017, 17 Uhr Dauer der Ausstellung: 9. Dezember 2017 bis 4. März 2018 (detail- lierte Öffnungszeiten unter: Tours of the specia l exhibition “Anton Reckziegel. Rek lamekunst und Rei- seträume” will take place at 5 p.m. on Saturday, 30 December 2017 and Saturday, 3 Februar y 2018. On Wednesday, 24 Januar y, the muse- um will host a specia l af ternoon for children f rom 2 to 4:30 p.m. Opening: Saturday, 9 December 2017, 5 p.m. Exhibition duration: 9 December 2017 to 4 March 2018 (For de- tailed opening hours, v isit www.ta
On 9 December 2017 Engelberg’s Tal Museumwill open an exhibition of the work of graphic designer Anton Reckziegel (1865–1936). In the years around 1900, Reckziegel was Switzerland’s best-known poster artist. His beautifully coloured posters, postcards, views and panora- mas had a decisive influence on how advertising developed and have shaped perceptions of Swiss landscapes to this day. Mountains and cable cars under a blue sky have symbolised Switzerland ever since tourism adver tising began around 150 years
sages far and wide, so in 1893 Reckziegel went to Aarau to star t a new job as an adver tising illustrator with Mü ller & Co., a so-ca lled “ar t establishment ”. He created master illustra- tions for prints according to the specif ica- tions of his employers and their clients. Five years later, Reckziegel went to Bern, where he became chief illustrator of the newly founded “ lithographic ar t establish- ment ” Hubacher & Biedermann. He designed poster, postcards and brochures, quick ly making a name for himself. His posters were
ago. Few ar tists inf luenced that development more than Swiss painter and lithogra- pher Anton Reckziegel. The Reckziegel exhibition that will go on display in Engel- berg’s Ta l Museum f rom 9
par ticu larly popu lar. The busy designer began creat- ing adver tising posters for Engelberg and the railway f rom Stansstad to Engel- berg in 1899. The f irst works in a long line of Reckziegel
Anton Reckziegel is regarded as one of Switzerland’s best advertising poster artists.
December was conceived by the Swiss A lpine Museum in Bern, which owns 90 Reckziegel posters and thus has the largest collec tion of his works f rom those early days of poster ar t. The exhibition places Reckziegel ’s his- torica l posters a longside contemporar y poster designs by Visua l Communication students at Bern University of the Ar ts. The students considered Reckziegel ’s works f rom various angles before coming up with their own designs based on some of his posters. The Belle Époque period of optimism, prosperity, and a f lourishing ar t scene in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a lso the period when tourism took of f in Switzerland. And Reckziegel was the ar tist to capture that mood in gorgeously appea ling adver tising posters. Born in 1865 in the Bohemian town of Gablonz (now Jablonec, Czech Republic), Reckziegel came to Switzerland v ia Austria in 1892. The new and booming Swiss tourism industr y needed ar tists to spread its mes-
posters promoting Engelberg as a tourist destination show the elec tric rack railway embedded in dramatic landscapes of looming, snow-covered mountains and romantica lly rugged crags and crevasses. Today, Reckziegel is regarded as one of the most successf u l early adver tising poster designers and as a pioneer who paved the way for subsequent ar tists like Willy Amrhein, Ot to Ernst, Her- ber t Mat ter, Karl Meuser and Mar tin Peiker t. The exhibition in the Ta l Museum revea ls the breadth of Reckziegel ’s work and gives an over v iew of the works he completed for destinations a ll over Switzerland. By jux- taposing his ar t with contemporar y graphic design, the exhibition traces a line between adver tising posters of the past and the present. To accompany the exhibition, publish- ing house Scheidegger & Spiess has released a 150-page, rich ly illustrated volume ca lled Re- k lamekunst und Reiseträume (in German on ly).
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