animiert magazin nummer21 winter
Family fun in the snow
Titlis fitness!
Sports news from Dorfstrasse
This winter, the spec tacu lar new family snowspor ts roadshow “A lles fahr t Schii ” will be making a stop in Engelberg. On 13 Januar y 2018, families can enjoy a thrilling festiva l of snow on the K lostermat te, featuring live music f rom popu lar children’s music bands Marius & die Jagdkapelle and Silberbüx, and enter tainment f rom Ski School mascot Snowli and his f riends. The event organisers, Swiss snowspor ts initiative Go Snow and agency Hotz’n’Plotz Enter tainment, want to get kids excited about snowspor ts so are of fering a ll kinds of f un ac- tiv ities in the snow – with slipping, sliding and bouncing ga lore! The event is completely f ree of charge and suitable for people of a ll ages, whether they like to get their kicks on skis, snowboards, sledges, or their own two feet. A CD with the same name as the event is a lso available: A lles fahr t Schii, a compilation of children’s ski par ty music, is avail- able v ia standard retail channels.
This autumn, a new hea lth and f itness centre opened in Engelberg. Fitness & Physiotherapie Titlis of fers physiotherapy, medica l massages and nutritiona l adv ice based on the latest f indings f rom medica l science and spor ts science. The centre’s vari- ous facilities cover a space of 500 m 2 . In the gym, an experienced trainer puts together indiv idua l train- ing programmes for ever y member suited to their age and physica l condition. The physiotherapy area has four separate treatment rooms and a therapy room. Here, custom- ers and patients are of fered ever y- thing they need to recover as quick ly and as ef fec tively as possible. The founders and managers of Fitness & Physiotherapie Titlis are Ivan Bucher, Tanya Geisser and Mar tin Stef fen. Ivan is a f itness and bodybuilding champion who has founded hea lth and f itness centres throughout Switzerland. Tanya and Mar tin prev iously ran their own physiotherapy prac tice in Engelberg.
Whatever your spor t, Engel- berg’s shops have ever y thing you need for ac tion in the snow. This winter we welcome one new spor ts shop, and two ex isting ones have moved. The newcomer to Engelberg is the Go-In Spor t-Shop, which has a lready made a name for itself in Sursee with its wide range of ski and bike equipment. It can now be found at Dor fstrasse 39, the former site of the Mammut Store. Mammut has swapped sides of the street and is now selling its large selec tion of skiing, climbing and outdoor gear at Bahnhofstrasse 11, where the Kjus Store used to be. Engelberg’s on ly snowboard shop, Board Lo- ca l, has moved closer to the centre of Engelberg and onto the main ax is between the v illage and the station. Boarders and anyone who loves stylish spor ts gear shou ld come a long to Dor fstrasse 27 (prev i- ously home to Bogner). Board Loca l a lso of fers snowboard instruc tion in indiv idua l and group classes.
Fitness & Physiotherapie Titlis Titlisstrasse 8 6390 Engelberg Tel. +41 (0)41 500 1202 www.f www.board loca
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