Engelberg Magazin No. 24
Bei den diesjährigen Auf- führungen gibt es neben dem Fluss auch einen See.
Die Zuschauer dürfen sich auf eine packende Story freuen. Audiences can look for- ward to a thrilling tale of action and adventure.
This year’s performance features a small lake as well as the river.
This summer, Apache brave Winnetou and his pals will again be riding into Engelberg. In the third edition of our exciting Wild West summer show, the stunning location by the waterfall will host an outdoor performance of Karl May’s action-packed adventure novel Der Ölprinz (“The Oil Prince”). “The Oil Prince” promises plenty of laughs, romance and adventure – and much to think about, too. Audiences can look forward to even more ac tion than in the f irst two Win- netou shows – with stunts and specia l ef fec ts throughout the per formance. As in prev ious years, the the ex tra-specia l backdrop. The stage set has been par tia lly redesigned, with the creation of a sma ll lake especia lly for the show. The large oil pump, which spec tacu larly burst into f lames as par t of the 2018 show, will a lso play an impor tant role this year. Per for- mances of “The Oil Prince” run f rom 6 Ju ly to 10 August 2019, with professiona l ac tors, a whole host of dedicated amateur ex tras, and a team of remarkably well trained horses. This will be the Swiss premiere of the play, based on Karl May’s stor y Der Ölprinz. The script was writ ten and produced by Tom Volk- ers, who a lso plays Winnetou. Tom has adapted his script especia lly for the Engelberg open-air stage. The stor y takes place in Arizona in 1862: the “oil prince” – an unscrupu lous gunslinger – is play ing a dangerous game. With the suppor t of his step-brother, who is the leader of a noto- rious gang, he aims to trick the banker Rollins out of a huge amount of cash by selling him an a lleged oil source. To make mat ters worse, two show will be f u ll of horses, py rotechnica l tricks, and well-known tunes, and as a lways, Engelberg’s beauti- f u l natura l scener y will form
enemy Indian tribes are at war in the area, and ever yone gets drawn into the conf lic t. When famous blood brothers Winnetou and Old Shat- terhand get involved they are taken prisoner, and are forced to f ight for their lives. Familiar charac ters like Sam Hawkens a lso reappear in this ta le of intrigue, betraya l, hostility, and cold-blooded murder. The big question is: Will the “oil prince” get away with his dev ious plan? Der Ölprinz was selec ted for the third edition of the Wild West show af ter audiences and fans voted for it in an on line sur vey f rom
a choice of f ive dif ferent Karl May stories. The play will be per formed a tota l of 21 times between 6 Ju ly and 10 August – on Thurs- days, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The matinee
“The Oil Prince” promises plenty of laughs and Wild West action.
per formance on Sundays will begin a lit tle later this year – at 4:30 p.m. That gives audi- ences the chance to enjoy a f u ll day in Engel- berg. A lso new this year are two cheaper price categories, with one especia lly for families. Before the per formance, v isitors can dine in an authentic-looking Western town, which is open to ever yone – you don’ t need a ticket to come and enjoy the delicious food and enjoy the Wild West feeling. We par- ticu larly recommend the Sa loon, which will be ser v ing three-course themed mea ls.
To get more information, buy tickets, and watch a trailer v isit: www.winnetou.ch.
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