Engelberg Magazin No. 24
20. bis 24. Mai 2019
Kari Joller, «Öffnung». Joller ist einer der Künstler, welche mit einem Werk an der Engelberger Aa vertreten sein werden. “Öffnung” (“Opening”) by Kari Joller, one of the artists who will create an artwork by the Engelberger Aa
Samstag, 25. Mai 2019 um 10.15 Uhr Mit Apéro und anschliessender Führung in An- wesenheit der Kunstschaffenden
bis 30. September 2019
Creation period: Of f icia l opening:
20 to 24 May 2019
Saturday, 25 May 2019 at 10:15 a.m. (with drinks and nibbles to be followed by a tour of the ex- hibition in the company of the ar tists)
Exhibition closes:
30 September 2019
The route alongside the Engelberger Aa river from Eienwäldli to Wasserfall has long been a popular place to take a walk. It offers beautiful natural scenery for hikers, but is also easy underfoot for anyone who just fancies a stroll. Now, the route has been chosen as a Land Art Path entitled “An der Aa” (“On the Aa”). The project was initiated and organised by cultural mediator Claudia Häusler (KULTUR SPUUR). In late spring, nine different artists will set up installations and artworks at nine points along the path. The pieces will be made exclusively from natural materials and incorporated into their surroundings. Land ar t emerged in nature, rejec ting the museum set ting. The works are of ten large and bu lky, and they are f u lly intended to undergo weathering ef- fec ts. Transience is par t of their ver y essence. That is what distinguishes the Engelberger Aa projec t f rom other scu lpture paths such as Sku lpturenweg Ennetbürgen, whose ar tworks are permanently insta lled and made f rom weather-resistant materia ls (meta l, wood, concrete, stone). Land ar t, on the other hand, makes on ly temporar y inter ventions in the landscape and is construc ted f rom natura l materia ls like branches, rocks, and moss. In the week f rom 20 to 24 May 2019, the following ar tists will set up ar tworks on a 1.5-kilometre sec tion of the Engelberger Aa path: Kari Joller (land ar tist, Dierikon); Yvonne Christen Vágner (v isua l ar tist, Zurich); Vera Dzubiella (land ar tist, Basel); Richard Zürcher (land ar tist, Sursee); Nik las Göth (land ar tist, Zurich); Hama Lohrmann (land ar tist, Augs- burg, Germany); Mat thias Maeder (v isua l ar t- as an ar t movement in the United States in the 1960s. It seeks to create ar t f rom and
ist, Engelberg); the team of f lorists at Engel- berg Abbey’s f lower shop (f lorists, Engelberg); and Stefano Devoti (v isua l and land ar tist, Borgo Va l di Taro, Ita ly). With land ar t, this set ting up period is par t of the experience, as the ar tworks are ac tua lly created onsite. It is a wonder f u l oppor tunity to watch ar tists at work. The exhibition of f icia lly opens on 25 May. The “An der Aa” Land Ar t Path can be v isited by people of a ll ages. It has beautif u l scener y and varied v iews, and the path be- tween Eienwä ld li and Wasser fa ll is easily ac-
cessible, even for prams and wheelchairs. The two end- points of the path are ser ved by loca l buses. The ar tworks encourage v isitors to spend time in nature. If you stop, clear your mind, and obser ve,
The „An der Aa“ Land Art Path is easily accessible.
you will become aware of a ll the ways in which the ar tworks interac t with their natura l set- tings. Those who v isit regu larly will witness the gradua l changes wrought by nature on these deliberately impermanent works of ar t. By the time the exhibition comes to a close at the end of summer, the ar tworks will have been absorbed back into nature. Information on the indiv idua l objec ts and their creators will be available in the run- up to the opening in a specia l brochure and under “Ak tuell ” on the website (German on ly) www.ku ltur.spuur.ch. Visitors will be able to share their impressions in v isitors’ books at both ends of the path. Publications f rom the indiv idua l ar tists will a lso be available there.
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