magazin nummer22 sommer_v2
A summer of music in Engelberg Summer organ concer ts take place in the Abbey Church at 8:30 p.m. ever y Wednesday in Ju ly. This summer, our Winnetou open-air show is inf luencing the choice of music. Instead of our annua l Jazz in der Dor fstrasse event, in 2018 we are hosting Countr y in der Dor fstrasse. The per formances will be held out- side various hotels and restaurants on or near Dor fstrasse f rom 5 to 7 p.m. on 13, 20 and 27 Ju ly and on 3 and 10 August. Fans of traditiona l Swiss folk music get their turn f rom 8 to 9 p.m. on Thursdays: on 19 Ju ly and on 9 and 16 August Engelberg’s music society, the yodelling club, and a lpenhorn quar tet Echo vom Spannor t will per form at the Kurpark (at the Eien- wä ld li on 26 Ju ly). Then, at 8 p.m. on 27 Ju ly Barbara Fuchs and the young singers of Mutz Theater & Musik Zürich present an operatic and musi- ca l ga la in the Abbey’s Baroque Ha ll. Another concer t will be held there at 8 p.m. on Saturday, 8 September as par t of the K lassik am Sarnersee chamber music festiva l, featuring soloists f rom the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. Grafenor t Manor will host two morning con- cer ts: at 11 a.m. on Sunday, 2 Septem- ber Capella Nova Unterwa lden will sing folk songs f rom Switzerland and other European countries; and on Sunday, 21 Oc tober f ive-piece Kaban- tu will bring their joy f u l sound and feel-good atmosphere to the stage.
The sixth StrongmanRun See them run, crawl and leap!
Honouring our regulars
Kreativhang graphic design studio Since last November, Engel- berg graphic designer Petra Hurs- ch ler has had her own studio here in the v illage. At the premises at Dor fstrasse 34 , nex t to the Prime Ski School, Petra creates logos, corporate designs, f lyers, posters, illustrations, websites, books and more. Af ter four years’ study in Zurich and time spent working at agencies there and in Lucerne, Petra decided to return to Engelberg – primarily for the mountains and the snow. Her life, she says, has been shaped by her love of “ inclines” (Berghängen) and her “ inclination” (Hang) for creativ ity – and that ’s why she ca lled her studio “Kreativhang”. Petra is passionate about giv ing things an appea ling v isua l appearance and bringing her creative ideas to projec ts of a ll sizes. She says that designing a wedding inv itation can be just as satisf y- ing as taking on the entire corpo- rate design for a large company.
Vintage vehicles in Obwalden
Go Tell it on the mountains!
In a time when worldwide travel is increasingly becoming a norma l par t of people’s lives, it ’s par- ticu larly f lat tering for hosts when guests choose to return to a single destination ever y year – or even severa l times a year. Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus is keen to pay tribute to guests who have been holiday ing in Engelberg for 10, 15, 20 or even 25 plus years. The Ta l Museum prov ides the appropriate set ting for these occasions, held on Wednesdays. Registration must be made through the manager of your holiday ac- commodation and submit ted to the Tourist Information Centre, where you get registration forms, by the Friday of the preceding week. Of course, we wou ld rec- ommend anyone and ever yone to v isit Engelberg, but what is it that keeps you coming back? Let us know by sending an e-mail to:
Visitors to the the OiO (Oldtim- er in Obwa lden) festiva l can admire numerous vehicles f rom days gone by. This Whitsun weekend, the proud owners of venerable automobiles, lorries, vans, buses, trac tors, motor- bikes, scooters, mopeds and bicycles will be polishing up their treasures and driv ing them out to Obwa lden for the OiO festiva l on 19 and 20 May. More than 500 vehicles of many dif ferent makes are expec ted. From 11 a.m. on Sunday, 20 May the OiO comes to Engelberg, where a festive marquee will welcome v isitors. Fit- ting musica l accompaniment will be prov ided by a lpenhorn quar tet Echo vom Spannor t and by Peter Kuhn on his barrel organ. The Schweizerhof hotel will be hosting a Belle Époque programme of enter tainments. At 1, 2, 3 and 4 p.m. craf tsman Raphaelius will take families on a trip back in time when he presents his remark- able steam-powered music machines. There will be an exhibition of period fashion and accessories by costume hire store Pat ’s Uniform und Ko- stümverleih, and f rom 3:15 to 5 p.m. v isitors can dance to old gramophone records at a traditiona l tea dance. Oldtimer in Obwa lden comes to Engelberg on Sunday, 20 May 2018
Centra l Switzerland has a wide range of day-trip destinations that you can reach by bus, train, boat or cableway. The Tell Pass is the best way to get around the region. You can purchase a Tell Pass that is va lid for two, three, four, f ive or ten days. During that time you can travel f ree of charge on trains, buses, boats and numerous cableways (e.g. Titlis, Brunni, Äbnet) and receive discounts f rom 22 Tell Pass par tners a long the way (e.g. the Swiss Museum of Trans- por t, Hergiswil glass works). Chil- dren accompanied by an adu lt pay a set price of just CHF 30. The Summer Tell Pass is available f rom April to Oc tober, and the Winter Tell Pass f rom November to March. Passes can be purchased f rom a range of outlets, including Engelberg’s Tourist Infor- mation Centre and railway station. The Tell Pass is now a lso va lid for travel on the Intschi–Arnisee and Schat tdor f–Ha ldi cable cars (with a replacement bus ser v ice for the lat ter f rom 1 Ju ly to 24 August), and the new Kräbel–Rigi Scheidegg and Küssnacht–Seebodena lp cable cars (the lat ter f rom 1 Ju ly). Addi- tions since August 2017 include the Lucerne–Kehrsiten–Bürgenstock boat route and the Bürgenstock f unicu lar, and since December 2017 Tell Pass holders can travel f ree of charge on the steepest f unicu lar railway in the world – the Stoosbahn.
On Saturday, 2 June around 7,000 ath letes will come to Engelberg for the Fisherman’s Friend Strongman- Run. Again, an arduous 18-kilometre obstacle course awaits them. Last year, over 23,000 spec tators lined the route, creating a fantastic at- mosphere for this unique event. The crowd par ticu larly love the “Simi backwards” obstacle – though the par ticipants themselves might not be quite so fond of it: it involves clambering laboriously up the ski jump – in a reverse parody of Simon “Simi ” Ammann’s speedy descents down the ver y same jump. Other obstacles the racers are un likely to forget in a hurr y are plunging across the icy-cold Aa river, and wriggling through mud. Despite a ll their travails, the f it, f un-lov ing competitors stay cheer f u l – most of them even don wild and wacky costumes for the race. “It seems to me that they get more creative ever y year,” said Philippe Bessire, Manag- ing Direc tor of Fisherman’s Friend Switzerland, af ter the 2017 edition of the race. “As the organisers, we are thrilled that the par ticipants celebrate the event more and more each year.” So it sounds like the si x th edition of the race this year will be something to look forward to! The star ting shot is f ired at 2 p.m., and the award ceremony is held at 5 p.m.
Kreativhang graph-
ic design studio
Petra Hursch ler Dor fstrasse 34 6390 Engelberg
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