normal magazin nummer23 winter
2 Gadä Bar im Alpenclub Home fromhome: The homey Gadä bar with its cosy wooden interior is the per fec t place to meet f riends for drinks and nib- bles, an après-ski, or a nightcap. Tip: Tr y the Kaf i Nils to warm you up and perk you up! Feeling famished? If you get hungr y pop over to the A lpen- club or the Fonduestube in the same building for a tasty mea l.
1 The Core Irish Pub
a single beer, we recommend the tasting board with three or f ive 100 ml glasses. It ’s a great way to get to know a range of beers. Soothe the savage beast: L ive bands play regu larly at The Core throughout the season.
Awarm Irish welcome: An authentic Irish pub where lo- ca ls and guests get together to drink a beer in cosy, conv iv ia l company. It ’s hard to limit yourself to just one though: there are 15 on draught and 15 kinds in bot tles, as well as 50 dif ferent whiskeys! Tip: If you can’ t decide on
Open daily f rom 3 p.m. to 1 a.m.
3 Yucatan
Go wild! Af ter an après-
ski this is a great place to enjoy a good dinner. But that doesn’ t mean the par ty’s over – in fac t, it ’s on ly just star ting. “Yuki ” hosts wild par ties until the wee hours. Tip: A ski f u ll of shots is sure to get you in the par ty mood! Open-ended: The last guests of- ten don’ t leave until the light of day. If you choose to at tend one of the specia l par ties such as the legendar y Easter Bunny Par ty, you shou ldn’ t plan much for the following day.
Open Thursdays to
When night falls in Engelberg ... .. the party people come out to play, celebrating and dancing ’til dawn. Here we provide a few tips for an
Saturdays f rom 4 p.m.
unforgettable night out – or just a refreshing après-ski beer.
Alte Gasse
From Monday to Sunday, f rom
3 p.m. until the last guest leaves
6 Ski Lodge
The Swede life: A bar with plenty of Swedish charm, the Ski Lodge has quick ly devel- oped into the place to be for our numerous Swedish v isitors, f re- eriders, and skiers of a ll nations. Tip: The Ski Lodge hosts music quizzes, f ilm screenings and live concer ts, and ser ves up burgers so good they’ve achieved a lmost cu lt status. Whirlpool: Guests stay- ing overnight in the Ski Lodge can plunge into a hot tub in the midd le of a snowy meadow. And those who come a long just for the après-ski can enjoy the unique panoramic v iew f rom the terrace.
Sportcenter Erlen
7 Hoheneck Bar
More of the Swede life: This bar is managed by the same Swedish crew who are behind the Ski Lodge. Anyone who knows the Swedes a lso knows they love to par ty. Following the après-ski, the par ties here rea lly get going and can last till dawn. Tip: If the par ty gets too wild for you, head to the cosy chill-out lounge. Let’s rock: A ll winter long, live per formances by loca lly beloved bands like At tack:Schwedenpack and Mathias “Bif fen” Larsson and his band get the joint thumping.
5 Chalet
Conveniently situated: Anyone who spends the day on the Titlis automatica lly goes by the Cha let. But don’ t just slide on past – this is a great place to rest your wear y legs. A lternatively, dance in your ski boots with a warming glass of Kaf i schnapps in your hand. Tip: Make sure you swing by when a live band is play- ing. Even the weariest legs will be reinv igorated in no time! Sledging and cheese – does it get any better? On Fridays and Saturdays you can enjoy night-time sledding followed by a conv iv ia l fondue evening in the Cha let.
4 Gletscherspalte
You’re only young once (or twice): The Gletscherspa lte bar and nightclub is rather like an ac tua l glacier crevasse – it ’s hard to ex tricate yourself, and when you do you usua lly have a bang- ing head. This is primarily a venue for young, wild par tygoers. Tip: Ha lf-price drinks f rom 9 to 10 p.m. shou ld help you get into the swing of it. Don’t miss a thing: Follow the Gletscherspa lte on Facebook to make sure you don’ t miss out on any of the live concer ts, ice-cold par ties, or spor ts events on the big screen.
Daily f rom 4 p.m.
Don’ t miss out! To avoid missing out on any events and performances at the venues profiled here, visit events or the venue websites.
Daily f rom 3 p.m.
Monday to Saturday f rom 8:30
p.m. until the last guest leaves www.gletscherspa
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