normal magazin nummer23 winter
Das Tal Museum feiert sein 30-jähriges Bestehen: Tag der offenen Tür und freier Eintritt am 9. Dezember! Führungen während der Weihnachtsferien: 27. Dezember, 17 Uhr: Führung durch die Ausstellung «Luxushotellerie in Engelberg.» 28. Dezember, 17 Uhr: Führung durch die Sonderausstellung «Mads Berg. Zwiesprache» 29. Dezember, 17 Uhr: Führung durch das Tal Museum: Bekommen Sie Einblick in das Leben «anno dazumal». 30. Dezember, 17 Uhr: Führung durch die Ausstellung «Luxushotellerie in Engelberg» The Ta l Museum is celebrating its 30th anniversar y: Open day with f ree admission on 9 December! Tours during the Christmas holidays: 27 December, 5 p.m.: Tour of the exhibition “Luxushotellerie in Engelberg” (“Luxur y hotels in Engelberg”)
28 December, 5 p.m.: Tour of the specia l exhibition “Mads Berg. Zwiesprache” 29 December, 5 p.m.: Tour of the Ta l Museum. Gain insight into days gone by. 30 December, 5 p.m.: Tour of the exhibition “Luxushotellerie in Engelberg”
Illustration by Mads Berg.
To mark its 30th anniversary, from 7 December Engelberg’s Tal Museumwill be hosting the exhibition “Zwiesprache” by Danish graphic designer and illustrator Mads Berg. The title translates as “dialogue”, and that is the concept behind the exhibition: Berg’s work enters into dialogue with the legendary advertising art of the old masters of graphic design Herbert Matter and Martin Peikert. You might be wondering why the Ta l Museum is dedicating an exhibition to a Dan- ish graphic ar tist. The f irst reason is that Mads
retained a nosta lgic retro feel, with a modern reinterpretation of the imager y employed by famous Swiss ar tist Herber t Mat ter (1907- 1984), who was born and grew up in Engelberg. Mats Berg’s covers fa ll in per fec tly with this tradition. His elegant, timeless designs deliberately hark back to the long histor y of adver tising poster design but add a bold, sassy modern twist. In fac t, his style has been dubbed “modern ar t deco”. Mads has made a name for himself with his numerous designs for large companies and major des-
«Zentralschweiz» Wintersport, Werbebroschüre um 1940. Advertising brochure for winter sports in Central Switzer- land from around 1940
Berg has been beautif u lly designing the cover of the Engelberg Magazin since the 2015 summer edition, the second is that the museum wishes to explore design as an ac t of reminiscence:
tinations. One well-known example f rom the loca l area is the new signs he pro- duced for the motorway in Nidwa lden. His works are instantly recognisable, with a design vocabu lar y that
Anton Reckziegel is regarded as one of Switzerland’s best advertising poster artists.
what stylistic changes have there been, and what elements endure? The histor y of tour- ism adver tising in Engelberg goes back more than a centur y. Renowned Swiss ar tists like Anton Reckziegel, Herber t Mat ter, Ot to Ernst and Mar tin Peiker t produced adver tising materia l for the tourist destination and thus def ined the Engelberg brand for decades. For the last three years, however, a Dane has been creating the covers of the Engelberg Magazin. Born in 1975, Mads Berg is continuing a rich tradition of adver tising design. Under the name of “Fremdenblat t ”, Engelberg’s tour- ist magazine f irst appeared in the late 1920s, published by the “Kur- und Verschönerungs- verein Engelberg”, a society that aimed to promote Engelberg as a hea lth destination and improve the appearance of the v illage. Over the following decades the magazine had a tur- bu lent on-of f ex istence, appearing in various guises until it was completely reissued in 2010 with a f resh, new look. But the cover design
is easy to grasp and that focuses on the es- sentia ls. They a lso contain a narrative. A ll these elements were a lso present in the work of graphic designers of the pre-war period. From 7 December the Ta l Museum presents an exhibition of Mads Berg’s works jux taposed with graphic design pieces f rom the 1910s to the 1960s. The exhibition ex- plores the similarities in the imager y, un- covering surprising para llels and noting signif icant dif ferences. A fascinating jour- ney through time awaits museum v isitors.
Vernissage: Friday, 7 December 2018, 8 p.m.
Opening hours: 8/9, 15/16 and 22/23 December: 2
to 5 p.m.; 26 December 2018 to 6 Januar y 2019: daily 2 to 5 p.m.; 9 Januar y to 22 April 2019: Wednesdays to Sundays: 2 to 5 p.m.
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