normal magazin nummer23 winter
Die Brunnibahn bringt die Gäste hoch. An der Talstation finden Familien auf der Klostermatte ein grosses Angebot für Anfänger. The Brunni cableway brings guests up the mountain. On the Klostermatte, families can take advantage of a wide range of facilities for beginners.
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ers can enjoy fantastic v iews throughout the entire hike, which lasts around 75 minutes. Take this delightf u l hike at an easy pace, empty your mind, and simply listen to the sound of the snow crunching beneath your boots. If favourable therma ls are present, you may be able to watch numerous colour- f u l paragliders f loating across the sky. There aren’ t as many as in the summer, of course, but even in winter the Brunni is one of the most popu lar paragliding areas in Centra l Swit- zerland. “We are one of the few areas that has therma ls in winter,” says of the delightf u l eateries you can drop in at a long the way. One leads f rom Ristis to Engel- berg v ia the Schwand and its restaurant of the same name. Weather and temperatures permit ting, you may be able to sit out on the restaurant ’s sunny terrace. The second hike leads f rom Engelberg to the Flühmat t and back. At the Flühmat t restaurant you can enjoy cu linar y delights such as Ä lplerma- gronen – an Engelberg specia lity. Anyone who has tried it says it ’s the best for miles around. Right by the Brunni-Bahn va lley sta- tion, on the K lostermat te, is Centra l Swit- zerland ’s biggest ski area for beginners. Of course, it ’s a lit tle louder here than it is up on the mountain. Globis Wonderland, a ski area just for kids, has three magic carpets. Two dif ferent tow lif ts take more advanced skiers up to the spacious piste. “We lose customers ever y year because they quick ly gain conf i- dence,” says Thomas. “But they are a lways replaced by new learners, and v isitor numbers Thomas. “And the warmth of the sun makes it a pleasur- able place to take to the sky.” Two more winter hik- ing trails shou ld be men- tioned here, if on ly because
are ac tua lly increasing.” That ’s par ticu larly gratif y ing given that genera l statistics cur- rently suggest fewer children are ac tua lly learning to ski. But Globis Wonderland has many advantages to at trac t young skiers and their families. The K lostermat te has guaran- teed snow thanks to snow cannons, and it is quick and easy to reach on the f ree-of-charge ski bus that stops right by the va lley sta- tion. Skiers can disembark and hit the slopes immediately, without hav ing to climb any stairs or ride the cable car in their ski boots. One magica l thing to
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do on the K lostermat te is to join a night-time skiing session on a Friday even- ing. The moon light and the presence of the nearby Abbey add to the serenity
Brunni-Bahnen is the first cableway company to be cer- tified carbon-neutral.
of the occasion. Of course, to ensure safety the slope a lso has some ar tif icia l lighting. Terms like “ar tif icia l lighting” and “snow cannons” wou ld seem to contradic t the area’s otherwise ver y natura l v ibe. Thomas Küng explains: “Of course we want the chil- dren who learn to ski here to return when they are adu lts. But the planet is warming up and we are a lready noticing that we need to use the snow cannons more of ten.” Brunni- Bahnen is therefore commit ted to sustainable energy produc tion. The cable cars and ski lif ts run on 100-percent green elec tricity, and the solar panels on the roof of the Ristis mountain restaurant can usua lly prov ide a ll of the en- ergy needed to generate ar tif icia l snow for the slopes between Ristis and Brunni. Last sum- mer, the Brunni-Bahnen became the f irst ca- bleway company to be cer tif ied carbon-neutra l.
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