normal magazin nummer23 winter
In «My Beauty Shop» können verschiedene Naturproduk- te gekauft werden – um sich selbst etwas Gutes zu tun oder auch als schönes Geschenk. My Beauty Shop sells vari- ous natural beauty products – a great gift for a friend, or simply to spoil yourself!
Crème de la Crème GmbH My Beauty Lounge/My Beauty Shop/My Tea Lounge Dorfstrasse 10 6390 Engelberg Tel. +41 41 500 12 75
If you think a beauty salon isn’t the place for you, a visit to My Beauty Lounge in Engelberg’s Dorfstrasse might just change your mind. While you’re there, you can browse the products in My Beauty Shop and try out a tempting range of teas in My Tea Lounge. My Beaut y Lounge was establ ished by beautician Si lv ia Nowak. She worked i n the f ield of med ica l sk i nca re for many yea rs and th is knowledge prov ides her with a sol id basis for adv isi ng customers on i nd iv idua l treatments. “We use lots of natura l produc ts,
Integrated in My Tea Lounge is My Beauty Shop, where shoppers can purchase various beauty produc ts f rom high-qua lity brands such as Far fa lla. These simple, natura l produc ts are a lso of interest to people who aren’ t into beauty ritua ls. A former holiday home owner, Silv ia f ina lly set tled in Engel- berg in 2017. She origina lly comes f rom Basel and hasn’ t failed to notice that women in mountain regions are usua lly not as excited by cosmetics as city dwellers tend to be. Some fellow beauticians even adv ised her against
chosen ca ref u l ly accord i ng to sk i n t ype,” says Si lv ia. Hav i ng ga i ned an add i- tiona l qua l i f ication, Si lv ia a lso works with the specia l hol istic produc ts of Methode Br igit te Ket tner. The treat-
set ting up a beauty business in Engelberg. But Silv ia was bold enough to believe in her idea and felt that people wou ld be persuaded by the qua lity of the produc ts and treatments and the oppor-
Beauty treatments, tea, lovingly appointed rooms: coming here is like going on a mini wellness break.
ments on of fer at My Beaut y Lounge i nc lude deep - c leansi ng facia ls, ped icures, man icures and massages. There is someth i ng for eve- r yone – and that i nc ludes men, of course! The fac t that My Beaut y Lounge is now complemented by My Tea Lounge la rgely came about by chance. Si lv ia sta r ted of fer- i ng a range of good-qua l it y teas because she wanted her sa lon to stand out and because she wanted her c l ients to have that a l l-round pamper i ng exper ience. And i n these de- l ight f u l sur round i ngs, that ’s exac t ly what c l ients get. The sa lon is f it ted with at trac- tive f urn ish i ngs and décor, as Si lv ia has a long-held passion for i nter ior design. When a room became vacant i n the bu i ld i ng at Dor fstrasse 10, underneath her stud io, Si lv ia decided to expand her tea busi ness and create an enti re tea lounge. My Tea Lounge seats 20 and is a lso st yl ish ly appoi nted. Here, Si lv ia sel ls a round 30 specia l ly selec ted tea va r ie- ties – and i nv ites guests to sample the teas.
tunity to drink a good cup of tea in a pleasing ambience. She has invested her hear t and sou l into Crème de la Crème, the company behind the beauty studio, tea shop and beauty shop. Luckily, Silv ia, who has a teenage daughter and two grown-up children who have lef t home, can count on the suppor t of her life par tner Markus Kuny. What ’s more, she has a f riend ly manner that has made the people of Engelberg warm to her. Loca ls and v isitors a like appreciate her openness, passion for what she does, natura l produc ts, and persona lised treatments. As a resu lt, My Beauty Lounge is doing well. My Tea Lounge has on ly just opened, so it ’s still hard to say how things will develop. But anyone who has seen how ardently the bold businesswoman has worked on her latest idea will wish her ever y success!
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