normal magazin nummer23 winter
Christmas classics
Regular blogs on On our web- site, bloggers f rom
Christmas is a time of quiet contempla- tion and taking pleasure in the f iner things in life. Engelberg will host f ive classica l music con- cer ts over the Christmas period: the Moses Orato- rio on 16 and 20 Decem- ber 2018; a Christmas concer t on 25 December; an End of Year Concer t on 28 December 2018; and an Epiphany Con- cer t on 5 Januar y 2019.
Engelberg post regu lar repor ts on their experi- ences, giv ing readers a behind-the-scenes look at what ’s going on in and around our v illage. Here you can read exciting tips for family f un, cu linar y delights, and specia l of fers for spor ts fans.
Honouring our regulars On Wednesdays, Engelberg-Titlis Tour- ismus hosts specia l tribute events to honour guests who have been holiday ing in Engelberg for 10, 15, 20 or even 25 plus years. The Tourist Center prov ides the reg- istration forms. Please register for the occasion v ia the manager of your holiday accommoda- tion and submit the forms by the Friday of the preceding week.
Good afternoon!
The stylish new Tea Room in the centre of Engel- berg rev ives a British tradition that goes back more than two centuries: af ternoon tea. Here, you can order an étagère of delicate sandwiches, home-made scones with clot ted cream and jam, and a selec tion of dainty cakes and pastries – accompanied, of course, by a good cup of tea. Enjoy a choice of black tea, ser ved in the traditiona l way with milk and sugar if you wish, or opt for a specia lity cof fee or a glass of spark ling wine. The Tea Room a lso sells f udge, cupcakes, cheese- cake, shor tbread, truf f les and gateaux – to eat in or take away – and ser ves its own interpretation of the classic f u ll English break fast. At The Tea Room you can enjoy typica l British, Swiss and internationa l specia lities in tastef u l, tranquil surroundings. OPENING! 14December ’18
For early birds ...
... and night owls
On 12 Januar y, 9 Februar y, 9 March and 13 April, early risers will be rewarded with the “Titlis Earlybird ” specia l, when the slopes between Stand and Trübsee will open at 7 a.m. To kick-star t your morning, you can enjoy a hear ty break fast buf- fet in Berghotel Trübsee.
If you’re not the early-morning type, you might prefer to join in the “Titlis Nightride” on 19 Januar y, 16 Februar y and 23 March, when the Stand-Trübsee slope and the Snow Park will be open f rom 7 to 10 p.m. What ’s more, on “Trübsee Saturday Nights” the Engelberg-Trübsee gondola lif t, the Trübsee Bar, the Lago Torbido pizzeria and the Snow Park are a ll open. The event takes place ever y Saturday evening f rom Christmas to Easter. Those who prefer to take it easy can enjoy a night-time stroll around the Trübsee lake. Day tickets, mu lti-day passes and season passes are a ll va lid and children under 15 ride f ree of charge.
www.engelberg. ch/en/blog-engelberg/
For more in- formation about the concer ts, v isit: www.
Open 365 days a year f rom December 14 f rom 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Rest your soul
Engelberg Abbey was founded in the year 1120, which means that it has been around for a lmost 900 years. The Benedic tine abbey has a lways shaped the v illage’s histor y, including its development into a tourist destination, and has a deeply spiritua l and hea lthf u l aura. Taking time out in a quiet, restf u l ab- bey can work wonders for body and sou l, especia lly for people who usua lly live life in the fast lane. Guests in Engelberg Abbey can stay in one of 17 modern, well-ap- pointed rooms and take this oppor tunity to gently un- wind and recharge their bat teries. They are more than welcome to join in with the monks’ simple daily ritu- a ls but are under no obligation. Thanks to its centra l location, the Abbey is the idea l base for taking advan- tage of a wide range of leisure and cu ltura l ac tiv ities.
The TEA ROOM Engelberg Dor fstr. 29 6390 Engelberg
Engelberg’s creative space
Sisters Ursi van Muyden and Antonia Kiser opened Countdown 365 at Dor fstrasse 18 one year ago. The shop sells loca l souvenirs, unique handi- craf ts, and a selec tion of antiques. Shoppers who like to get creative themselves can par ticipate in one of the various workshops and learn, for example, to restore f urniture, design lamps, or make pic ture f rames. There are a lso ar ts and craf ts af ternoons and biscuit baking workshops for children. The colour f u l three-storey shop a lso houses a cof fee bar – a great place to chill, chat and get inspired.
Countdown 365 Dor fstr. 18 6390 Engelberg Tel. +41 79 755 1833
Opening hours: Current opening hours can be found on the website
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