animiert magazin nummer21 winter

Schon vor seiner Anstellung bei den Titlisbahnen war der Bünd- ner bei mehreren Bergbahnen tätig, unter anderem in Chur- walden und in der Lenzerheide. Before coming to the Titlis area, the native of Grisons worked for several cable- way companies, including in Churwalden and Lenzerheide.

Cableway company Titlis Bergbahnen is Engel- berg’s biggest employer and the main reason why a million visitors come here each year. In charge of ensuring that guests to Engelberg get what they’re looking for is the company’s CEO Norbert Patt. Norber t Pat t has steered the for tunes of Titlis Bergbahnen ever since 2010, when he and his family moved to Engelberg f rom the canton of Grisons. In seven years under his leadership, the company’s revenue has grown f rom CHF 50 million to CHF 70 million – par tly thanks to

Pass side. Good snow qua lity and guaranteed snow cover are hugely impor tant for the f uture of snowspor ts in the region. “There are two cri- teria guests have when choosing a snowspor ts destination,” says Norber t. “One is how big the ski area is; another is whether or not snow is guaranteed. There’s not much to be done about size, but the presence or lack of snow is a decisive fac tor.” Thanks to its high a ltitude and nor th-facing slopes, the Titlis area is well situ- ated to of fer good skiing even when the winter brings lit tle snow. And Titlis Bergbahnen has other projec ts planned for the f uture. For instance, nex t bahnen not on ly operates cableways but a lso runs numerous stores, eateries and hotels, Norber t ’s daily work is ver y varied. Meeting a ll the diverse needs of the dif ferent types of guests is a daily cha llenge that Norber t rises to enthusiastica lly. He loves working with people – the guests, his team, loca ls, business par tners – in order to come up with the right solutions, to drive impor tant pro- jec ts forward, and to add ex tra va lue to the tourist destination of Engelberg-Titlis. winter will see the insta l- lation of new four-seater chairlif ts on the Engstle- na lp up to the Joch Pass. Because Titlis Berg-

exciting ideas like the new gondola lif t and the Titlis Resor t, which records 40,000 overnight stays each year. Norber t, who qua lif ied as an elec trica l engineer and is a keen skier, is par ticu larly

Norbert Patt has achieved great things in his seven years at the helm of Titlis Bergbahnen.

proud of Titlis Resor t, the Bergbahnen’s ver y own holiday v illage close to the Titlis cable- way’s va lley station. The fac t that he dea ls with cableways day in day out has not lessened his passion for skiing. “I’m for tunate in that I can combine my hobby with my profession,” laughs Norber t. His three children a lso love to ski, so Norber t and his family spend much of their f ree time out on the slopes. During his working week, however, he doesn’ t get to spend hours skiing. Usua lly he just goes for a lit tle run to check how things are before heading back to the of f ice. He par ticu larly likes skiing down the slope that leads f rom the Jochstock to the Jochpass mountain hut. Last winter, the company took a great leap forward with the opening of the new gon- dola lif t. This season, the most impor tant pro- jec t is the insta llation of snow cannons. In the past two years, large investments have been made in ar tif icia l snow cover on the Stand side of the ski area; now it is the turn of the Joch



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