Engelberg Magazin No. 24
Hier reifen die Käse heran: Ein guter Käsekeller ist genauso wichtig wie die feine Milch und die sorgfältige Herstellung. Top-quality cheese requires a good cellar, the best milk, and careful production processes.
Gymnasium | Sekundarschule (IOS) | Internat
Cheese Trail,” says Marco Zemp, head of mar- keting at Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus. There is at least one restaurant or café per sec tion where wa lkers can stop for ref reshments. It is a lso possible to take a shor t trip to a single dair y, or to combine a day’s hiking, a long the Wa lenpfad Trail for example, with a v isit to a dair y. And the trails are great good f un for puzzle fans. Answer a question at each dair y, f ill out the competition form correc tly, and you will receive a sma ll prize to take home. Making cheese is a time-consuming,
cheesemakers aren’ t there when they v isit. There is a lways lots of hard work to be done up on an A lpine farm, which means there isn’ t a lways time to chat with v isitors. But hik- ers and bikers are still more than welcome to stop by, and some dairies do of fer guided tours – outside norma l operating hours and on ly if booked in advance. If no one is around, v isitors can consu lt the signs outside the mountain huts, which give information about who lives and works on the farm. Cheese can be purchased direc tly at a ll the dairies, so wa lkers are well adv ised to take a long some cash and a good-sized rucksack! Anyone who back in the v illage, will be relieved to learn that the A lpine cheeses are a lso on sa le at various places in Engelberg. The Abbey’s show dair y, Molkerei Hursch ler, the Wet ti Lädeli shop, and the store at Eienwä ld li campsite a ll stock a wide range. Some cheesemakers a lso bring their cheese to market in Engelberg – for example the Saturday markets during summer, and the specia l Autumn Market. So whether you’re up on the mountainside or down in the va lley, you can easily feed your need for cheese. An over v iew of the route with accom- modation and ref reshment tips, prof iles of the eight A lpine dairies, and up-to-date informa- tion about the A lpine Cheese Trail are avail- able at: www.engelberg.ch/cheesetrail doesn’ t feel like wa lking the trail, or who f inds that they need ex tra supplies once
Zweisprachige Maturität
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complex process. As soon as the cows have been milked, the cheesemaker takes the body-temperature milk, heats it gently in a cooking pot, then adds rennet (enzymes found in ca lves’ stomachs
You can also ride bikes, e-bikes and cable cars on the Alpine Cheese Trail.
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28.03.19 08:11
that ensure the milk curd les) and the cu l- ture (lac tic acid bac teria). The cheesemaker then uses a “cheese harp” to cut the curd. The cheese is lif ted f rom the pot in cheesecloth and placed in a sa lt bath, where the rind forms. The cheese is stored in cellars with relatively high humidity. The wheels have to be regu- larly rubbed dr y and brushed. The qua lity of the cheese, and a considerable par t of the cheesemaker’s income, depends on each step being completed caref u lly and correc tly. The cheeses are lef t to mature for dif ferent leng ths of time depending on their variety, and it is during this process that they acquire their unmistakeable charac ter. Cer tain cheeses even ripen over a period of severa l years. Unfor tunately, this fascinating, deli- cate process remains hidden f rom hikers on the A lpine Cheese Trail. “Spontaneous tours of the dairies are not possible for reasons of hygiene and time,” says Marco Zemp. And v isitors shou ldn’ t be too disappointed if the
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