Engelberg Magazin Nr. 25
1 The Fürenalp
2 Tal Museum
A lthough the Fürena lp is not the highest point in Engel- berg, here you feel closer to the sky than anywhere else: mountains like the Gross and Ch li Spannor t seem to be a lmost within your grasp. This delightf u l spot 1,850 metres above sea level is a great place to go sledging or ice-skating, to take a winter hike, or enjoy f ine dining.
Housed in an 18th- centur y dwelling, Engelberg’s Ta l Museum brings the past to life. Find out many fascinating fac ts f rom Engelberg’s histor y and learn how the people here used to live in days gone by. A contemplative and in- formative stroll down memor y lane.
3 Trübsee
www.ta lmuseum.ch
A lthough Trübsee is in the midst of the ski area, here you can get away f rom the hustle and bustle of the slopes. On a wa lk around the f rozen Trübsee lake you’ ll on ly have eyes for the spec tacu lar A lpine scen- er y in its cloak of glit tering white. And if you don snowshoes and wa lk a lit tle f ur ther, towards Bitzi for ex- ample, you’ ll f ind yourself in a win- ter wonderland far f rom civ ilization.
www.f uerena lp.ch
Slow and steady It can be fun to hit the piste early, spend all day racing down the slopes, and get in some après-ski before dinner – but sometimes it’s good to
take it easier. Here are some tips for experiencing Engelberg at a more relaxed pace.
Alte Gasse
6 The Bannalp
Some places in the Engel- berg valley are off the beaten tourist track. The Chrüzhütte mountain station in the Bannalp region, for example, is the starting point for ski and snowshoe tours through magnifi- cent mountain landscapes. There are two family-friendly ski lifts for skiers and snowboarders who prefer a slower pace. We advise informing yourself about operating hours in advance.
Sportcenter Erlen
(Fotocredit: Caroline Pirskanen Photography)
5 Engelberg Abbey
With 900 years of histor y, Engelberg Abbey is a place of tradi- tion and tranquillity. Join a public tour to gain fascinating insight into life behind these venerable wa lls. Otherwise, you can simply pay a v isit to the Abbey church – a spir- itua l and contemplative place, even for those who are not religious. We recommend sit ting awhile on one of the pews, admiring the archi- tec ture and taking time to ref lec t.
4 The Schwand
An easy wa lk takes you to the Schwand, an outly ing area on the sunny side of Engelberg. The v iews of the Titlis are par ticu larly impressive f rom here. If you book in advance, you can enjoy the aptly named “Schwand winter magic” – a torch light hike followed by sup- per at the Schwand restaurant.
7 Night-time cross-country
Cross-countr y skiing is by its ver y nature a slower and steadier way to ski. At night it ’s an even more sedate and serene experience. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings the cross-countr y trail around the Spor ting Park is illuminated, and Titlis Spor t of fers specia l tours on nights when there is a f u ll moon.
www.k loster-engelberg.ch
www.engelberg.ch /
fokus | focus
fokus | focus
www.titlis-spor t.ch
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