Engelberg Magazin Nr. 25
Albin Amstutz ist in einer einfachen Familie in Engelberg aufgewachsen. Gelernt hat er Lastwagenmechaniker. Bini grew up in modest circum- stances in Engelberg. Initially, he qualified as a truck mechanic.
Bini Amstutz ist auch Ret- tungsspezialist Helikopter. Die Alpinrettung Schweiz oder die Rega bieten ihn für heikle Ret- tungsaktionen in den Bergen auf. Bini Amstutz is also a helicop- ter mountain rescue specialist. Alpine Rettung Schweiz and Rega call on him for assistance with tricky rescue missions.
It was tough work, but he is quietly proud of his achievement: “You cou ldn’ t imagine Engelberg without the v ia ferratas now.” When Bini is out and about he a lways has a pager with him, because since 2002 he has a lso been a helicopter mountain rescue specia list. He is of ten ca lled upon to assist A lpine Ret tung Schweiz or air rescue ser v ice Rega with tricky rescue missions in the moun- tains. Even during our inter v iew his pager beeps twice – but luckily for me he doesn’ t have to rush of f. Sometimes the things he
tain biking and windsur f ing, and he some- times plays ice hockey. Back in his youth he played for a top f light ice hockey team in Sion. Of course, Bini a lso loves skiing and ski jumping. When get ting the Titlis-Schanze ready he can rely on the suppor t of many volunteers. “I want to give something back to Engelberg,” he says. “And do my bit for tourism here.” He is aware of the great responsibility he bears to the loca l community in set ting up the jump for this impor tant event. And anyone who knows him can see how commit ted he is
witnesses af fec t him deeply, but he has learned to accept death as a par t of life. This summer he had to sa lvage the body of a loca l man whom he had accompanied up the Mat terhorn a few
to the task. His ac tiv ities as a mountain guide help him in his work as custodian of the ski jump, he says. Bini hard ly ever seems stressed in the run-up to the World Cup – even when there is
As custodian of the ski jump, Bini wants to give something back to Engelberg.
years before as a mountain guide – the trip had been a bir thday present f rom the whole family. He has learned a lot f rom his rescue missions, and that has helped him be a bet- ter mountain guide: “I see the dangers more quick ly, and I have become more cautious.” When I ask him if his tour par ticipants have become more demanding recently, he says no: “Ac tua lly, I get the feeling that people are star ting to appreciate the tranquillity and elementa l qua lity of the mountains more.” Bini doesn’ t on ly work in Switzerland; his ta lents are in demand across the whole of the A lps. He has even led climbs in Af rica and the Hima layas. “That ’s incredibly vast terrain – ver y high and much wilder, much more remote.” In the Hima layas in par ticu lar he has to rely on the experience and exper tise of loca ls. He has fond memories of his team in nor thern India, with whom he worked ver y closely. Bini doesn’ t on ly work in the great outdoors, he a lso likes to spend his f ree time there. He loves to go moun-
heavy rain or a windstorm. His ca lm manner has a soothing ef fec t on the rest of the team, a dedicated group of volunteers who do not rest until the in-run, take-of f and landing slope on the Gross-Titlis-Schanze are a ll per fec tly groomed. And yet these hardworking indiv idu- a ls still usua lly have enough energy lef t for a ver y specia l mission on the Sunday night af ter the World Cup is over. The thankyou par ty held at the Spor tingpark for a ll the volunteers is legendar y for its wild and wacky f un. Vol- unteers once built a tower of 54 chairs on the regu lars’ table. Another time, they placed a huge table f rom the restaurant (60 kilograms in weight and 1.2 by 4 metres in size) on the outdoor ice rink. “Word of honour, ever y thing was back where it was supposed to be the nex t morning,” grins Bini. “We’ve never caused any damage.” It ’s clear that being in charge of the ski jump is more than just a demanding job – it is a lso ex tremely rewarding and great f un!
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