Engelberg Magazin Nr. 25
Während der Vor- weihnachtszeit ist das Mont Bijoux an verschiede- nen Weihnachtsmärkten anzutreffen: Hergiswil (30. November/1. Dezem- ber 2019), Willisau (6. bis 8. Dezember 2019), Stans (14./15. Dezember 2019). During the Advent period, Mont Bijoux will have a stand at vari- ous Christmas markets: Hergiswil (30 November to 1 December), Willisau (6 to 8 December), Stans (14 to 15 December).
Mont Bijoux is the perfect name for this bijou boutique full of treasures. Here, in the heart of Dorfstrasse, you can find delightful clothes, jewellery, shoes, gifts, home accessories, and even fine foods. The shop is run by mother and daughter team Gaby and Nadine Bleyer. Nadine and Gaby Bleyer are ac tua lly not quite sure what initia lly motivated them to star t their boutique. It a ll began in spring 2011, when Nadine was still at school. Gaby and her husband had just sold their success- f u l business. At that time, the premises of
ers. However, the two women a lways at tend internationa l trade fairs together, to gain an over v iew of the latest trends and to make pur- chases for their collec tion. They make sure to buy exceptiona l clothing of good qua lity. They sell 21 brands and are keen to ensure a wide range of prices. They know that not ever yone can af ford a cashmere sweater that costs 500 f rancs. The winter 2019/20 season will bring a charming collec tion of winter coats, clothing in hues of mustard and rosé, and a larger selec- tion of shoes, par ticu larly ladies’ ank le boots. L ike other shops nowa- says Nadine. People come here because it is a pleasant place to be. They like to wander leisurely through the store, enjoy ing the shop- ping experience. And if a customer covets the chandelier hanging f rom the ceiling, then the Bleyers are happy to spontaneously sell it to him. They are passionate about their busi- ness and their hand-chosen collec tion, and a lways give honest produc t adv ice to their customers: “I’ d rather a customer buy noth- ing at a ll than that she take something that rea lly doesn’ t suit her,” says Gaby. But with this fabu lous selec tion of clothing and ac- cessories, there isn’ t much chance you’ ll leave without buy ing any thing at a ll! days, Mont Bijoux faces the cha llenge of keeping up in a world of on line shopping and bargain hunting. “But we score points with the ambience of our boutique,”
today’s Hess Selec tion wine shop in the A lpenclub build- ing were empty, and the Bleyers considered turning the space into an of f ice and sma ll jeweller y shop. When it became clear that there
Mont Bijoux is a treasure trove of gorgeous items that make life that bit more beautiful.
wasn’ t enough room for both, they f illed the entire premises with their new boutique, sell- ing a choice selec tion of jeweller y and scar ves. In the meantime, Mont Bijoux has moved to Dor fstrasse and expanded its produc t range. The spacious, lov ingly appointed shop a lso sells clothing and many more treasures. The boutique is a browser’s paradise with some- thing for ever y taste and budget. The clothes are primarily f rom Scandinav ia, with a simple but stylish appearance, and there is some- thing in the selec tion for customers of any age. That is Mont Bijoux’s formu la for success – as mother and daughter, they have a mu lti-gen- erationa l perspec tive. But how is it running a business with your mum? “We ac tua lly com- plement one other rea lly well,” says Nadine. While problems between the duo are rare, Gaby does point out that things work best when each of them takes care of her own specif ic area. Nadine is in charge of decorating and f urnish- ing the shop, while Gaby sees to the custom-
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