Engelberg Magazin Nr. 25
Engelberg’s silver screen Mov iegoing has long been popu lar in Engelberg. In the old days, the f ilm reels wou ld sometimes tear and have to be stuck back together during a screening. These days, the cinema has state-of- the-ar t projec tors and sound equipment, but the auditorium with its comf y seats has re- mained as intimate and homey as ever. Engel- berg’s cinema shows the latest mov ie hits as well as Swiss premieres. To v iew the current pro- gramme, v isit www.kinoengelberg.ch.
Snow & Safety Days
On our Snow & Safety Days courses, mountain guides initiate skiers into the secrets of f reerid- ing. The three-day course includes ava lanche train- ing with shovels, probes and transceivers, learning how to ski on powder snow, and an exhilarating ski tour led by mountain guides. The course is f ree of charge for Guest Card holders stay ing in Engelberg. This winter the courses take place on 27 to 29 Janu- ar y, 3 to 5 Februar y, 17 to 19 Februar y, and 24 to 26 Februar y. To register, v isit www.engelberg.ch/en/.
© Eliott Schonfeld
Honour where honour is due
European Outdoor Film Tour
Pens, paper – and coffee!
Do you love Engel-
Europe’s biggest outdoor spor ts f ilm festiva l will be coming to Engelberg on 6 December 2019. The Terrace hotel will screen a selec tion of shor t f ilms with unique stor ylines that feature daring protago- nists in some of the wildest places on our planet. If you can’ t be there for the event, you can still purchase the DVD, f u ll of exciting adventures and outdoor ac tion. www.eof t.eu/en
In early September, the Höch li stationer’s shop on Dor fstrasse closed its door for the last time. But Engelberg won’ t have to do without great sta- tioner y. Af ter renovation, Roaster y Engelberg will reopen the shop this winter, when the cof fee roas- ter y and stationer’s will be under the same roof. Customers will be able to f ind ever y thing they need in the inv iting space – f rom paperclips, to diaries, to bir thday cards. And Höch li ’s nice-and-easy book and stationer y ordering ser v ice will continue.
berg so much that you keep coming back? On Wednesdays, Engelberg- Titlis Tourismus pays tribute to guests who have been holiday ing in Engelberg for 10, 15, 20 or even 25 plus years. Reg- istration must be made through the manager of your accommoda- tion and submit ted to the Tourist Information Centre, which pro- v ides the registration forms, by the Friday of the preceding week.
Engelberg blogs At
Papeterie & Roaster y, Dor fstrasse 9 papeterie@roaster yengelberg.com Tel.: +41 (0)76 268 1018 For more information, v isit www.roaster yengelberg.com.
www.engelberg.ch/en/ blog-engelberg/ a range of dif ferent authors give insight into Engel- berg, introducing loca l charac ters, testing out ac tiv ities and specia l of fers, and giv ing tips for an unforget table stay. Visit regu larly and stay informed!
Hosts of angels at the Tal Museum
Angels are emotive f igures that reawaken child- hood memories and are present in many aspec ts of daily life – in churches and public spaces, at home, in place names, in literature, in adver tising, and in the language we speak and hear ever y day. The “Engel- welten” (“Angel worlds”) exhibition at Engelberg’s Ta l Museum explores the origins, evolution and numer- ous representations of angels throughout histor y. This caref u lly curated exhibition asks where, how and why angels came into being. On display are around 100 objec ts dating back to 2000 BC f rom ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and the Ro- man Empire, including amu lets, cylinder sea ls, and coins. There are a lso numerous ar tworks and ar tefac ts f rom daily life that feature or refer- ence angels – f rom guardian angel pic tures and icons to inn signs and adver tising posters.
The Spannort Inn – comfy and affordable
The Spannor t Inn is the per fec t place to sleep and relax before and af ter a day exploring Engel- berg’s natura l landscape. The at trac tive rooms with comfor table beds and speedy internet ac- cess are available f rom as lit tle as CHF 35 per night. Guests eat break fast in the inn’s own Bistro & Café, which is a lso open in the late af ternoon and evening, ser v ing cof fee, snacks, homemade ciab- at tas, and beer brewed by sma ll loca l breweries. www.spannor tinn.ch
Muisiglanzgmeind revival
Muisiglanzgmeind used to at trac t v isitors f rom a ll over Switzerland to Grafenor t. But in 2009 Nidwa l- den and Obwa lden’s best-known music festiva l took place for the last time. Ten years later, many people were still mourning the loss of the legendar y event. Now, a group of commit ted young indiv idua ls has got together to rev ive it. From 26 to 29 August 2020, the Musikglanzgmeind will take place once more – this time in Wolfenschiessen. For more information, v isit
Opening times: 15, 21 and 22 December: 2 to 5 p.m. 26 Dec. 2019 to 5 Jan. 2020: Ever y day f rom 2 to 5 p.m. 8 Jan. to 13 April 2020: Wednesdays to Sundays 2 to 5 p.m.
To v iew a programme or to book tours, v isit www.ta lmuseum.ch.
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